Monthly Archives: May 2024

Girls & Boys Day on 25.04. at con-pearl®

Labeled con-pearl boards for Girls & Boys Day 2024

What an exciting Girls & Boys Day at con-pearl! We had the pleasure of welcoming Mira, Lorenz, Jonas and Janick. Lorenz, who already took part last year, took the opportunity to gain an insight into our application technology this year. Mira, Jonas and Janick first had the opportunity to make bags out of con-pearl® in […]

con-pearl shows off its new draught-horse

Truck with con-pearl cover

In cooperation with the Wolf haulage company from Leinefelde, a truck that shuttles between our plants in Geismar and Leinefelde has been fitted with a new “con-pearl cover”. You can now marvel at the truck on its tours in Eichsfeld and the surrounding area. This truck serves as one of our figureheads in regional advertising. […]

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